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Our Worship

Joy. Hope. Peace. Prayer.


Everyone is welcome to worship with us at the Church of the Ascension!  Our worship season begins on the Sunday closest to July 4th and concludes on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend.  Services begin at 10am and generally follow the order of worship according to the Book of Common Prayer (BCP).  We say Morning Prayer together on most Sundays, which includes three readings from scripture (and sometimes a poem or other inspirational piece), some spirited hymns, and a sermon.  On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate a service of Holy Communion with the contemporary language of Rite II of the BCP.  Everyone is welcome to God's table. The Church bells call the lake to worship.  Children are welcome, and they are encouraged to help raise the flag, ring the bells, and they often participate in the sermon. Coffee and donuts are sometimes available in the churchyard after the service.



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