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The Church of the Ascension has been lifting our eyes to the heavens for more than a century. Our Campaign for the Future seeks to ensure that the vision of this community and its sanctuary and rectory, each listed on the National Historic Register, will endure for another 100 years. Anyone who has set foot inside our little log church knows how special it is. As Gus Blagden remarked almost a century ago, "I feel nearer to God here than anywhere else in the world." 


Our chapel needs capital investment now in order to preserve it for future generations. The roof, the foundation, and the windows of the sanctuary are all in disrepair, and the rectory needs our attention. It is our turn to steward this precious sanctuary in the woods. Our goal is to raise and invest $600,000 from our congregation, divided among five distinct project areas detailed below. In addition, we will welcome bequests and other planned gifts to bolster our reserves over a longer term. Please support our Campaign for the Future with a generous gift that may be fulfilled over a three-year term if desired.

Campaign Projects Areas

Stained Glass Window Restoration


We will engage skilled artisans to clean, repair, and reframe our historic windows to preserve their unique beauty and charm.  Thoughtful expertise is required to do this work well. 


Roof Replacement



We will replace the current asphalt roof with a high-grade, metal roof possessing a 50-80 year industry lifespan.  Investing now will save significant money long-term. 

Foundation Repairs


We will replace or re-work the majority of the twenty-one stone foundation piers at the sanctuary. We will use professional masons to produce high-quality piers to last several generations. We will also fix the annex foundation at the Rectory.

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Portals & Sacristy Upgrade


 We will replace and relocate the back stairwell, reconsider the inoperable bathroom in the sacristy, re-place rotted wood, expand storage areas, and refinish/hang the historic doors.

Rectory Renovation


We will replace rotted siding and flood damage, renovate the kitchen, build a first-floor guest bathroom, and upgrade the electrical system to bring this1903 building up to code so that it may continue to attract and retain top-notch clergy and serve a center of community life. 

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